Residential Infill Strategy Open House on Saturday September 10

We are hosting two identical sessions for your convenience - 10:00 am to 12:00 pm or 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
University of Victoria - Cadboro Commons Building - Haro Room
Oak Bay is experiencing increased interest in infill housing, such as laneway and garden cottages, duplexes, triplexes and residential subdivision. This interest occurs as our neighbourhoods age and change, and as demand for more diverse housing choices increases.
Oak Bay's Official Community Plan identifies the need for a community informed Residential Infill Strategy - a planning tool to help manage modest changes to Oak Bay's population. Its goal is to encourage more diverse housing options that respond to needs as they change over time while ensuring new housing integrates with the unique character of our neighbourhoods.
The District of Oak Bay is inviting the public to engage in a series of conversations over the coming months to explore new housing ideas leading to a set of recommendations and guidelines for a Residential Infill Strategy. The Strategy will address: Types of Residential Infill * Criteria for Considering Infill Proposals * Preservation of Landscapes and View Corridors * Preservation of Neighbourhood Character * Parking
Join us at the Residential Infill Strategy OPEN HOUSE and get engaged in the conversation.
Need directions to the Open House? See the attached link.