Emergency Program

The Oak Bay Emergency Program is governed by Municipal Bylaw 4489. The Bylaw provides for the organizational structure of the Oak Bay Emergency Program as outlined by the Province of British Columbia through the Emergency Program Act
Mission Statement
The Oak Bay Emergency Planning Policy Committee has adopted the following mission statement to guide emergency management actions within the municipality:
To create and maintain a cooperative organization to manage risks from major emergencies and disasters that may affect the municipality and its residents.
Managing Oak Bay’s risk includes risk assessment, mitigation, response, business continuity, and recovery. The Emergency Program is responsible for developing and maintaining Oak Bay’s Emergency Response and Recovery Plan (ERRPlan) and working with municipal leaders and staff to ensure they are trained in emergency management practices and ready to respond should a major emergency or disaster occur.
A central premise of the Oak Bay Emergency Program is that residents will play a major role in their own protection as well as work with their neighbours to build a safe, well-prepared community. Neighbours Helping Neighbours promotes working with existing social networks to strengthen our community’s capacity to respond and recover from an emergency or disaster. As part of its mandate the Emergency Program offers ongoing public awareness and preparedness education to residents, organizations and businesses so they can become more knowledgeable about and become more resilient to a variety of risks.
The Oak Bay Emergency Program is managed through the Oak Bay Fire Department. The Fire Chief is the designated Emergency Coordinator for the District. The Oak Bay Emergency Program has one staff position and the office is located at the Oak Bay Fire Department, 1703 Monterey Avenue. The Oak Bay Emergency Program Manager can be reached Monday through Thursday at 250-592-9121.
Plans and Documents
Emergency Response and Recovery Plan [PDF]
Oak Bay Community Risk Assessment [PDF]