Dogs in Parks

Oak Bay offers many parks for your enjoyment.
Parks & Public Place Prohibitions - Dogs
The below is from Animal Control Bylaw no. 4013.
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55. No dog owner shall suffer or permit his dog to be in that part of Uplands Park shown outlined in a heavy black line on the plan attached hereto as Schedule "C" and forming a part hereof, during the months of April, May and June in any year, except when the same is under the full custody and control of a competent person by means of a chain or leash not exceeding 2.4 metres in length.
56. No dog owner shall suffer or permit his dog to be in any of the parks enumerated in Schedule "D" attached hereto and forming a part hereof, except when the dog is under the full custody and control of a competent person by means of a chain or leash not exceeding 2.4 metres in length.
57. Notwithstanding Section 56, a dog owner may permit his dog to be unleashed in Windsor Park
(1) between sunrise and 9 o’clock a.m. on any day from July 1 to August 31 in any year; and
(2) between sunrise and 11 o’clock a.m. on any day from September 1 in one year to June 30 in the next year; provided, however, that the dog must nevertheless remain at all times under the full custody and control of a competent person. (**Bylaw 4194, adopted Aug.18, 2003)
58. Section 57 does not apply
(1) to the fenced Rose Garden in the easterly portion of Windsor Park; or
(2) to any portion of Windsor Park on days or at times where the use of that portion of Windsor Park has been reserved for, and is being used by, an individual, group or organization as evidenced by a permit issued under the authority of the Oak Bay Parks and Recreation Commission.
59. No dog owner shall suffer or permit his dog to be:
(1) in the fenced Rose Garden in the easterly portion of Windsor Park;
(2) in the Native Plant Park, being Lot C and Lots 81, 82 and 83, Section 23, Victoria District, Plan 368;
(3) in the golf course and chip trail area of Henderson Park, as more particularly shown outlined in a heavy black line on the plan attached hereto as Schedule “E” and forming a part hereof;
(4) in the Turkey Head Walkway area of the Oak Bay Marina Lookout, as more particularly shown outlined in a heavy black line on the plan attached hereto as Schedule “F” and forming a part hereof; and
(5) in the fenced Water Park in the north easterly portion of Carnarvon Park. (**Bylaw 4546, adopted November 14, 2011)
(6) on Kitty Islet, as more particularly shown outlined in a heavy black line on the plan attached hereto as Schedule “G” and forming a part hereof. (**Bylaw 4566, adopted June 25, 2012)
60. No dog owner shall suffer or permit his dog to be on Willows Beach at any time between May 1 and September 30 in any year.
(1) Notwithstanding Section 60, no dog owner shall suffer or permit their dog to be in the area known as South Willows Beach (from the end of Bowker Avenue to the south boundary of Glenlyon-Norfolk School) at any time of the year. (**Bylaw No. 4797, adopted Oct. 12/21)
60.1 No dog owner shall suffer or permit his/her dog to be on McNeill Bay Beach at any time except:
(1) between October 1 in one year and April 30 of the next year; and
(2) in May, June, July, August or September, between sunrise and sunset. (**Bylaw No. 4369, adopted May 28, 2007) (**Bylaw No. 4477, adopted June 24, 2009) (**Bylaw No. 4529, adopted March 14, 2011) (**Bylaw 4566, adopted June 25, 2012)
61. No dog owner shall suffer or permit his dog to be upon any street, except when the dog is under the full custody and control of a competent person by means of a chain or leash not exceeding 2.4 metres in length. 61.1 No dog owner shall suffer or permit his dog to be upon any public school Bylaw No. 4013 15 grounds, except when the dog is under the full custody and control of a competent person by means of a chain or leash not exceeding 2.4 metres in length.
Oak Bay Parks Services is located at 1771 Elgin Road, Victoria, V8R 5L7
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