Recycling & Organics

Oak Bay and the Capital Regional District have committed to diverting more than 70% of all waste from landfills by 2015, and recycling and composting is actively supported and encouraged. Not sure if the item in your hand is recyclable? Check out myRecyclopedia and RecycleBC for more information.
In 2006, Oak Bay became the first community in Greater Victoria to implement a pilot kitchen organics composting program for 40% of households. This program continues, with a District-wide curbside organics pickup program started in 2014.
There are three ways to reduce solid waste in Oak Bay:
Public Works Drop-Off-Depot Recycling
Curbside Recycling
Most household goods can currently be recycled every two weeks in the household totes. See the Collection Service & Schedule Page for collection information including schedules and tote information.
What may be left at curbside on collection day?
- Green Tote / Organic Waste
- Blue Tote/ Mixed Waste Paper
- Blue Box / Metal, Plastic, and Paper Containers
- Glass Bottles and Jars
- Corrugated Cardboard
- Household waste
Green Tote / Organic Waste - The green wheeled tote is used for curbside organic waste, which includes:
- fruit and vegetable scraps
- food left-overs and dinner plate scrapings
- meat, fish, giblets, bones, and eggshells
- dairy products, butter and mayonnaise
- bread, cereal, grains, pasta, pizza and baked goods
- candies
- soiled paper towels, soiled paper food packaging and ice cream cartons
- used paper cups and paper plates
- coffee grounds and tea bags
- solidified fat and grease
- baking ingredients, herbs and spices
- house plants, cut and dried flowers
- nuts and shells
- grass clippings, leaves, pruning, plants and branches
Please note, compostable bags are not required for organic waste.
Kitchen waste DOES NOT include:
- plastic bags, plastic wrap, Styrofoam, foil wrap, foil pouches or foil pie plates
- metal cans and glass jars
- cereal and cracker box liners
- chip and cookie bags
- pet food bags and other lined bags
- butter wrappers
- dental floss
- rubber bands
- soiled diapers, baby wipes, sanitary hygiene products and condoms
- dryer lint and anti-static dryer sheets
- cigarettes and cigarette butts
- vacuum cleaner contents and bags
- pet feces, other feces, and pet litter box material
Blue Tote/ Mixed Waste Paper - The blue wheeled tote contents may include paper, junk mail, newspapers, cereal boxes, and magazines. DO NOT include cardboard, soiled, or foiled papers. Mixed waste paper will only be picked up at curbside if located in a blue wheeled tote.
Blue Box / Metal, Plastic and Paper Containers - Acceptable items include (Check the CRD Blue-Box webpage for current complete listing):
- Rigid plastic packaging from consumer goods (e.g. electronics, tools), food (e.g. salads, baked goods)
- Rigid plastic containers, including milk jugs, yogurt and margarine containers, shampoo/liquid soap bottles, cleaning product containers, pill/vitamin bottles, clean plant pots
- Plastic and metal lids
- Aluminum and tin cans
- Foil and foil plates (no food residue)
- Paper packaging containing liquids when sold (e.g. paper take-out cups and milk cartons)
- NO plastic bags or Styrofoam
- NO Containers used for pesticides, herbicides, paint, solvent, fuel, motor oil, lubricants, caustic cleaning products or any hazardous materials.
Glass Bottles and Jars: Glass bottles and jars must be kept separate from your other containers. An old plastic tub or pail can be used to contain your clean glass containers. Cardboard boxes and paper bags are not suitable receptacles for your glass containers.
Corrugated Cardboard: should be flattened and cut or folded to dimensions not greater than 18 inches x 36 inches. Bundles of cardboard should be tied together with twine or string (not tape or wire). Please place bundled cardboard at the curb beside the blue box.
Grey Tote / Household Garbage: All items which cannot be recycled or composted in other totes or boxes, except items which are banned from the CRD Hartland landfill. For more detailed information, please visit the CRD website.
Public Works Drop-Off-Depot Recycling
Additional recycling, composting, and handling of some specialized material is available at the Oak Bay Drop Off Depot on Elgin Road. These materials include:
Clean plastic shopping bags
Yard trimmings, grass, and leaves (branches must be less than 3 feet in length and 3 inches in diameter
Batteries (household)
Metal objects (no fridges or freezers)
Propane Tanks
- Plastic containers and rigid plastic packaging
- Corrugated cardboard (must be flattened)
- Mixed paper, newspaper, boxboard
Other Depot Recycling
Additional recycling options are available for items not included in Oak Bay recycling and organics pickup programs. These include materials such as:
- soft plastics
- foil composite bags
- electronics
- Styrofoam
- Mattresses
- Other
These services are available at CRD Hartland landfill and/or provided in the community by 3rd parties. Note that these organizations are not part of the municipal recycling program and may charge a fee to dispose of recyclables.
Information on Hartland / CRD recycling and recycling pilot programs can be found on the CRD Recycling Area Web Page.
Schedules and location information on the monthly community drop-offs in and near Oak Bay are available through the Pacific Mobile Depot Website. Many Oak Bay residents volunteer to assist with the mobile recycling depot at Carnarvon Park, Henderson Road, which is held in the morning of the 4th Saturday in each month.
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