Building & Planning

Building and Planning administers the British Columbia Building Code as it relates to construction within the Municipality. This function is integrated with the building permit process. The Department is responsible for the administration and application of municipal regulations relating to the use of land. These are principally found in the Zoning Bylaws, but they also reside in separate enactments regarding signs, fences and parking. Any application for a change in the permitted land use, for a subdivision, or for a variance of a land use regulation, would be made through the Building and Planning Department, which would prepare a report for the decision making authority in each case.
The Department is also responsible for the enforcement of a wide range of bylaws dealing with uses of both private and public property.
The Department also deals with the regulations of businesses, and in that regard administers the business licensing system.
Stay up to date on development applications in the District
Visit the District's Development Application Tracker, which provides information on current development applications in Oak Bay.
Visit the Development Application Tracker webpage for user instructions.
Building & Planning - Oak Bay Municipal Hall
2167 Oak Bay Avenue
Victoria BC, V8R 1G2
Phone: 250-598-2042
Fax: 250-598-9108
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The Building Inspector is available in the office 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Questions on Planning? email:
Questions on Building? email:
Phone: 250-598-2042