
The Oak Bay Fire Department provices many direct services to the community. These include:
Fire Suppression
The fire suppression division consists of four rotating shifts of six persons supporting a 24/7 response for fire, rescue and protection of property. The department maintains a watchman 24/7 to answer public enquiries and non-emergency requests for assistance.
If you require Emergency assistance please dial: 911
Non Emergency telephone line: 250-592-9121
Medical Aid
In addition to their fire-fighting training, all suppression crew members are also qualified Emergency Medical Assistant First Responders. This allows us to respond to medical emergency calls when requested by the British Columbia Ambulance Service, as we are often able to provide a quicker response that can be the difference between life and death in some situations.
Confined Space Rescue
Oak Bay Fire Department provides Confined Space Rescue services to the Municipal Public Works Department. There are thousands of Confined Space locations in the Municipality (think of every manhole cover you see) and from time-to-time, Public Works personnel may be required to make entry into those spaces.
The Fire Department also provides Confined Space Rescue services to the University of Victoria for those spaces located within Municipal Boundaries.
The Fire Department is operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and time is allocated each and every day for training. Over 6,000 person hours are spent each year in formalized training of our members with almost the same amount spent by the members themselves on their own. They are trained in all aspects of Fire Fighting as well as; First Responder (medical), Technical Rescue (Confined Space, Vehicle extrication, Hazmat). The self-directed training may be studying for fire fighter 1st, 2nd, and 3rd class exams, promotional officer training etc.
Hazmat Response
The CRD has developed an efficient model for Hazmat Response that partners with existing protocols of the Province, through the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, to provide added safety for life, property and the environment in the case of a dangerous goods spill.
The Oak Bay Fire Department is involved in the Capital Regional District’s Emergency Hazmat Team (EHT). Currently there are 13 Oak Bay Firefighters and Officers trained to the level of Hazmat Technician. These technicians actively train and respond as part of the team. The CRD EHT supports local jurisdictions by providing professionally trained and equipped hazmat technicians for working in hazardous material environments (the hot zone).
Mutual Aid
The Corporation of the District of Oak Bay has three bylaws authorizing Mutual Aid requests for fire protection. Two of these bylaws allow sharing of resources between Oak Bay, Victoria, Saanich, and Esquimalt. The third bylaw allows for the sharing of resources in the event of a civil disaster, the signatories to this agreement include the 13 lower-island municipalities as well as the Capital Regional District and Electoral Areas.