
Oak Bay is renowned for green space, trees, gardens, and natural beauty. This section provides some information around garden regulations in Oak Bay.
Watering Gardens & Lawns
Watering restrictions are in effect from May 1 to September 30. For more information, please refer to the Oak Bay Watering Restrictions page and/or the Capital Regional District Watering Restrictions page. And for information about responsible water use in the garden, please refer to the CRD Guide to Outdoor Water Use.
Native Planting
There are no planting restrictions in Oak Bay, however preserving native species through the removal of invasive species is strongly encouraged . In addition to planting native species, food gardens and deer-resistant plants are also strongly encouraged.
The Garry Oak Ecosystem Society provides information on native plant selection, care and a native plant guide.
Garden Waste & Leaf Collection
The District provides an annual curbside garden refuse pickup service. Please view Garden Waste & Leaf Collection page for full details.
Further information may be obtained from Oak Bay Public Works at 250-598-4501.
Allotment Gardens
The District currently has 26 allotment garden plots adjacent to Bowker Creek on Monteith Street.
These plots are available to Oak Bay residents for cultivation for a nominal fee. Due to high demand for the current allotment garden plots, one may not be immediately available. In order to be placed on the wait list, please call the Oak Bay Parks Department at 250-592-7275.
if you have suggestions for additional community gardens, you can contact the Oak Bay Municipal Hall or the Parks department.
Tree removal, pesticide, and other links
- Before altering or removing a tree, it's important to determine if a permit is required. Trees may be "protected" based on their species and/or size. Guidelines can be found on the Tree Work Application page.
- Oak Bay has adopted a ban on pesticide use for cosmetic purposes. Full details of the regulations can be found on the Pesticide Regulation Bylaw and Pesticide Disposal page.
- Locally produced compost made from garden waste and organic recycling is available through the municipal Public Works yard. More details can be found on the Compost Sales page.
Monteith Native Plant Garden
Volunteers are always needed to care for the Monteith Native Plant Garden, meeting on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.