Municipal Preparedness

The District of Oak Bay has been recognized as a ‘disaster resilient community’ by the United Nations. The Oak Bay Emergency Program addresses all incidents of potential severity, and adopts the principles of the BC Emergency Response Management System (BCERMS). Oak Bay’s Emergency Program provides a framework for active cooperation among District staff, designated volunteers, and citizens in identifying and manging risks from such events as major storms, earthquakes, chemical releases, fires and marine oil spills.
In 2009, Oak Bay Council adopted bylaw No. 4489 to continue the Oak Bay Emergency Planning Program, and charged the Emergency Planning Policy Committee with responsibility for strategic direction and general oversight of the emergency planning function. It also outlines the local legislative framework for our municipal emergency plan. The Emergency Response and Recovery Plan (ERRP), updated in 2015, guides the municipality’s actions to prepare for, respond to and recover from major emergencies. It identifies the key hazards which threaten our community, priority actions to be taken, roles and responsibilities of staff, and key response agencies who also participate in the municipality’s emergency response and recovery efforts.
Municipal staff have been trained in Emergency Management and have identified roles in the staffing of Oak Bay’s Emergency Operations Centre (EOC), that would be opened in the event of a major emergency or disaster. Many of the Parks and Recreation staff have been trained in Emergency Support Services. Exercises and training sessions are offered for Municipal staff. For more information on Municipal Preparedness contact Jacob Tilson at 250-592-9121 ext 7504 or