Make an Enquiry

Making Enquiries to Oak Bay Archives
Enquiries are welcome from residents, students, family historians, authors, artists, scholars, and anyone with an interest in Oak Bay's history.
The Archives are open to visitors & researchers in person by appointment in advance during staffed hours, normally on Tuesdays and Fridays 9:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Drop-in hours: Tuesdays 10-1.
Closed week of 19-23 August, no drop-in hours on 20 August.
Enquiries are also welcome by email, phone and post; the part-time professional archivist is able to carry out some research on behalf of enquirers, with assistance from a team of experienced volunteers.
For all archives enquiries and appointment requests:
Tel: 250-598-3290 (please include an email address in your message if possible)
Oak Bay Archives
2167 Oak Bay Avenue
Victoria, British Columbia V8R 1G2
Follow us on Twitter @OakBayArchives