Fire Bylaws

Fireworks Bylaw 4375
Oak Bay Municipal Council has adopted a bylaw to regulate the use of fireworks
- No person may offer for sale, sell, give or trade firecrackers within the Municipality.
- No person may offer possess firecrackers within the Municipality.
- No person may discharge firecrackers within the Municipality.
- No person may offer for sale, sell, give or trade fireworks within the Municipality.
- No person may possess fireworks within the Municipality unless that person holds a fireworks permit issued under this Bylaw.
- No person may discharge fireworks within the Municipality unless authorized by a fireworks permit issued under this Bylaw.
- No fireworks permit shall be issued except in connection with a special community event which Council has determined to be for the benefit of the community at large.
Note: This is a condensed version of the bylaw, presented for your convenience. The comprehensive Fireworks Bylaw 4375 is also available.
House Numbering Bylaw 1557
Oak Bay Municipal Council has adopted a bylaw which requires every building in the Municipality, other than out-buildings and ancillary buildings on the same lot, to:
- Shall affix and keep affixed in a conspicuous place, as near as practicable to the front entrance the street number assigned.
- If the building is separated from the street by a fence, hedge etc., a duplicate number shall be affixed in a conspicuous place near the entrance through the fence, hedge etc.
- The street number shall not be, nor become obscured by vegetation or otherwise.
Note: This is a condensed version of the bylaw, presented for your convenience. The comprehensive House Numbering Bylaw 1557 is also available.
Oil Burning Equipment and Fuel Tank Bylaw 4144
Oak Bay Municipal Council has adopted a bylaw to regulate the installation of oil burning equipment and flammable liquid and combustible liquid fuel tanks.
Installation/Removal of a Fuel Tanks/Oil Appliances
No person shall install a fuel tank or oil burning equipment unless the installation is carried out strictly in accordance with the applicable provisions of the:
(a) B.C. Building Code;
(b) CAN/CSA B139-Installation Code for Oil Burning Equipment;
(c) Oak Bay Zoning Bylaw;
(e) B.C. Fire Code.
No person shall install oil burning equipment or a fuel tank without first obtaining a permit.
Note: This is a condensed version of the bylaw, presented for your convenience.The comprehensive Oil Burning Equipment and Fuel Tank Bylaw 4144 is also available.
Smoke Alarm Bylaw 3805
Oak Bay Municipal Council has adopted a bylaw which requires the installation and maintenance of smoke alarms in all existing residential buildings. The purpose of the bylaw is to help improve the minimum level of life safety for residents.
By alerting occupants to the presence of a fire and facilitating early response, smoke alarms have been demonstrated to save lives, reduce fire related injury, reduce the spread of fires, and reduce the damage caused by fire. The chances of dying in a home fire may be reduced by 74% if working smoke alarms are installed correctly and maintained within your home.
Owners are required to install and maintain at least one smoke alarm on each level of the home; and must be located outside sleeping areas (if present), and in every sleeping room not within a dwelling unit.
New buildings or buildings being renovated under Oak Bay Building Permit must meet the requirements of the B.C. Building Code for installation of smoke alarms.
For existing residences, smoke alarms may be connected to an electrical circuit or may be battery operated. All smoke alarms must be equipped with an alarm “pause” feature.
It is recommended that smoke alarms be replaced every 10 years.
It is recommended that smoke alarms be tested at least monthly, and if battery operated have the batteries changed annually.
- The OWNER is required to test the smoke alarm function at least once every twelve months.
- The OWNER shall install new batteries in each battery powered smoke alarm at least once every twelve months.
- The OWNER shall immediately replace or repair any smoke alarm which, upon testing, fails to perform correctly.
Note: This is a condensed version of the bylaw, presented for your convenience.The comprehensive Smoke Alarm Bylaw 3805 is also available.
Fire Services Operational Bylaw 4720 and Fire Prevention and Life Safety Bylaw 4719
Oak Bay Municipal Council has adopted a bylaw which names the Fire Chief responsible for all fire protection matters, including the enforcement of the Fire Services Act and regulations there under, and shall assume the responsibilities of the Local Assistant to the Fire Commissioner.
The Fire Services Operational Bylaw and the Fire Prevention and Life Safety Bylaw are available for review here.