Open House - Age Friendly Action Plan AND Complete Streets Handbook

UPDATE - November 19, 2015: The revised version of the draft Complete Streets Handbook is now available by clicking here.
The District of Oak Bay has been working on the AGE FRIENDLY ACTION PLAN, which sets out a strategy for developing a community that meets the needs of its aging population. Building on work undertaken with the Age Friendly Working Group and consultation with the community, a draft Action Plan is now ready for review. The draft Action Plan presents a vision for the community, and includes strategies for both the physical and social environment such as buildings and outdoor spaces, parks, transportation, housing, respect and inclusion, communication, and community support and health.
The District has also been undertaking the Complete Streets project. The draft Oak Bay COMPLETE STREETS HANDBOOK, now ready for review, would initiate a complete streets program and provide direction for District staff and the community on specific street enhancement projects and techniques. The draft Complete Streets Handbook includes strategies for designing safer streets that accommodate all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, motorists and freight vehicles. As part of the Complete Streets project, we are looking for your input!
You are invited to join us at the upcoming OPEN HOUSES to review and comment on the draft Age Friendly Action Plan and the Complete Streets Handbook. To make it easier for you to attend, we are holding these Open Houses at the same time and place.
Thursday, November 5, 2015, 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm, Oak Bay Municipal Hall, 2167 Oak Bay Avenue
If you have questions or feedback on either of the projects above, please contact Deborah Jensen, Planner at or Richard Ding, Design Engineer at
Please take this opportunity to participate in these two projects!