Lansdowne Road Closure - Henderson Water Main Extension

Construction of the Henderson Road Water Main Extension continues this winter, with the project proceeding shortly onto its final phase on Lansdowne Road. The planned work means that Lansdowne Road is closed (open to local traffic only), effective from January 17, 2018 until completion of the project in late March, 2018.
The road closure will direct traffic away from Lansdowne Road between Middowne and Foul Bay Road, with the main detour route (exiting Oak Bay) being north along Cadboro Bay Road and then west along Cedar Hill X Road.
The aim of the Henderson Road Water Main extension is to provide an additional water distribution route to south Oak Bay, increasing resiliency and supporting the District’s goal of providing safe drinking water and reliable fire-fighting capability for residents. Completing the project is one of Oak Bay Council’s strategic priorities; the Federal and Provincial governments are providing 83% of the funding for this project via the Clean Water Wastewater Fund.
The project is an expansion of a 20” water main along Henderson Road. The first phase of the project began in 2016, starting at Neil Street and ending at Mid-Downe. In early September 2017, the project continued with construction starting at the intersection of Henderson Road and Mid-Downe Road. The route of the water main continues west along Mid-Downe, turning north to proceed along Westdowne Road, then west along Lansdowne Road to terminate at Foul Bay Road. The project is scheduled to be completed by end March 2018.