Town Crier Escort Proclaimed for District of Oak Bay

On behalf of Oak Bay's Official Ceremonial Town Crier Mr. Kenny Podmore, who has served this role for 15 years, I am pleased to announce that Ms. Rhonda Todrick will be serving alongside Mr. Podmore as the Official Town Crier Escort of the District of Oak Bay.
Like Mr. Podmore, Ms. Todrick is a deeply commited volunteer. For the past 4 years, she has served as one of the coordinators of the Ukulapha Community Outreach Project, an organization that brings healing and hope to the children of the Township of Slangspruit near Pietermartizburg South Africa.
Please join me and Mr. Podmore in welcoming Ms. Todrick at her debut as Official Town Crier Escort in the upcoming Oak Bay Tea Parade on Saturday June 6, 2015.