Recreation Oak Bay News

Posted on
May 8, 2019
Do You… Live in a secondary suite? Own a secondary suite? Want to have a secondary suite in your home? Live on a street that has secondary suites?...
Posted on
April 30, 2019
As you may be aware, Recreation Integration Victoria (RIV) has disseminated a letter to the public regarding the cancellation of a contract that...
Posted on
April 2, 2019
The Canadian College of Performing Arts (CCPA) is the recipient of the second Acorn Arts Award. Oak Bay Parks, Recreation and Culture selected CCPA...
Posted on
November 28, 2018
An article on the The Monterey Concert Band is featured on the Oak Bay News website.  
Posted on
November 13, 2018
Remembrance Day was observed at Monterey Recreation Centre with poignant stories from military members, war brides, and relatives of fallen soldiers...
Posted on
September 25, 2018
Uplands Park is home to one of the finest examples of Garry Oak woodlands and meadows in our region and contains one of the highest concentrations of...
Posted on
July 24, 2018
This deadly poisonous mushroom has been spreading in urban areas in B.C. where it fruits under exotic boulevard trees. It has now been shown to also...
Posted on
May 14, 2018
Celebrating their 8th anniversary Fashion Show, the Merry Widows Club of Monterey Recreation Centre modelled the latest fashions last weekend. More: ...
Posted on
March 13, 2018
John Herbert, former municipal councilor is now a member of the Monterey Recreation Activity Association Board (Director at Large). Read more by...
Posted on
February 1, 2018
Monterey Faces is a feature of the Oak Bay News; in this segment Monterey Recreation Centre volunteer Linda Foubister interviews fellow volunteer...
