Troy Urlacher

- BCRPA Fitness Theory
- BCRPA Weight Training
- BCRPA Personal Training
Anyone that is looking to become a high-level athlete to someone looking to start up fresh in the gym and needs someone there to guide them through the first steps.
I specialize in proper bodily functions, explosive training for sports, hypertrophy of muscles, and overall health of the body
During the entire COVID lockdown – I noticed the sedentary effects on everyone and myself – atrophy of muscles, loss of endurance, and mental health. An active lifestyle is a great way to build confidence and relieve stress. After the lockdown, I helped a couple good friends get into lifting weights and stay active, not long after I saw the positive effects it had and that is when I grew my passion for helping others.
Favourite quote?
“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” ―Brene Brown