Five Year Financial Plan, 2013

The Community Charter requires that in each year, before May 15, a local government must adopt a five year financial plan which covers the current taxation year and the following four years.
The financial plan must set out the following for each year of the planning period:
• proposed expenditures for operating and capital purposes
• proposed funding sources
• proposed transfers between funds
Notice is hereby given that the Five Year Financial Plan for The Corporation of the District of Oak Bay is available at the Oak Bay Municipal Hall for public inspection. Persons wishing to comment on the plan may make their views known in a letter addressed to the undersigned. Any letter received before the adoption of the Plan, which is anticipated to occur on May 13, 2013, will be placed on the Council agenda for consideration before a vote is taken.
Loranne Hilton
Municipal Clerk
The Corporation of the District of Oak Bay
2167 Oak Bay Avenue
Victoria, BC V8R 1G2