Celebrate Local

Thank you to our local businesses who participated in our recent Council led telephone survey. Businesses that identified they wanted to be included on the District’s COVID-19 temporary data base are listed below. If you are an Oak Bay business that isn’t currently included on the list, but would like to be, please contact Sherri at soconnor@oakbay.ca or call 250 598-3311 ext. 7429.
The District is grateful to our local businesses who have modified their operations during the COVID-19 pandemic in order to safely provide continued services, product delivery, and consumer experiences to the Oak Bay community and beyond.
You’re invited to shop, eat, and play in Oak Bay! For a community contained within such a small land area, there are so many shops, cafes, and services to discover and enjoy. If you had a great experience at an Oak Bay business, don’t forget to show them some love by leaving a positive review online.
Information on available parking in and around Oak Bay Village is outlined on this map.
Business Name | Contact Info | Notes (If Provided) |
4 Cats Art Studio | https://4catsoakbay.com/ (250) 598-0300 |
A La Mode Consignment | https://www.alamodeconsignment.com/ (250) 592-1116 |
A Pets Life | https://apetslife.ca/ (250) 592-3301 |
Anaesthetic Services | (250) 595-211 2186 Oak Bay Ave |
Athlone Gourmet Coffee Plus | (250) 595-1391 2187 Oak Bay Avenue |
Baan Thai | https://baanthaivictoria.ca/oak-bay (250) 598-0057 |
Barclay Jewelers | https://barclaysjewellers.com/ (250) 592-1100 |
Bark Bath and Beyond | https://barkpetboutique.com/ (250) 590-2822 |
Blackman Support Services | http://www.blackmansupport.com/index.html (250) 592-9501 |
Blighty's Bistro | https://blightysbistro.com/ (250) 592-5111 |
Boathouse Spa and Baths | https://www.oakbaybeachhotel.com/spa/ (250) 940-0326 |
Bon Sushi | http://oakbaybonsushi.com/ (250) 592-0008 |
Bosley's Oak Bay |
https://store.petvalu.ca/location/7066/ |
Boutique de Laine | (250) 592-9616 2534 Estevan Ave |
British Columbia Funeral Association | https://www.bcfunerals.com/ (250) 592-3213 |
Bungalo Gifts | (250) 595-6193 2525 Estevan Ave |
Buttons 'N Bows | https://www.buttonsnbowsoakbay.com/ (250) 592-7924 |
Caffe Misto | (250) 598-8679 2865 Foul Bay Road |
Cameo Bookkeeping & Business Services | (250) 532-5279 2186 Oak Bay Ave |
Care & Company | https://seniorcarevictoria.ca/ (250) 382-2328 |
Carlton House Hair Salon | ||
Carlton House of Oak Bay | https://www.carltonhouse.ca/ (250) 595-1914 |
Charellis Deli | https://www.charellis.com/ (250) 598-4794 |
Chef on the Run | https://chefontherun.ca/ (250) 595-3151 |
Cheryl's Gourmet Pantry | http://www.cherylsgourmetpantry.com/ (250) 595-3212 |
https://www.cibc.com/en/personal-banking.html |
Cobs Bread | https://www.cobsbread.com/ (250) 592-8687 |
Connect Hearing | https://www.connecthearing.ca/ (250) 598-2334 |
Cork and Barrel Spirit Merchants | https://www.corkandbarrel.ca/ (250) 592-9463 |
Cosmetique A La Carte | https://www.cosmeticsalacarte.com/ (250) 592-3353 |
Dairy Queen | https://www.dairyqueen.com/ca-en/ (250) 595-4328 |
De Goutiere Jewelers | https://degoutiere.com/ (250) 592-3224 |
Dean Heights Beauty Salon | https://deanheightsbeauty.ca/ (250) 592-7633 |
De'Lish Fine Foods and Catering | https://www.delishcateringoakbay.ca/Welcome.html (250) 598-5614 |
Curves | http://www.curvesoakbay.com/ (250) 598-2311 |
Demitasse | http://www.demitasse.ca/ (250) 598-6668 |
Divine Gem | https://divinegems.ca/ (778) 747-3100 |
Dr. Christopher Hildebrand | (250) 598-4811 2108 Oak Bay Ave |
Dr. Kaita de Marco | (250) 37608438 2035 Oak Bay Ave |
Dr. Kevin Jackson | http://drkevinjackson.com/ (250) 598-5976 |
Dr. Patrick Kenny | (250) 592-2422 2590 Cadboro Bay Road |
Dr. Sean Filan | (250) 598-1713 2108 Oak Bay Ave |
Dr. W. Bruce Handley | ||
Dr. Cheryl Handley | https://www.oakbaydentist.ca/ (250) 598-1313 |
Edward D. Jones & Co. | https://www.edwardjones.ca/index.html (250) 595-1227 |
Engel & Volkers | https://victoria.evrealestate.com/ (778) 433-8885 |
Eric D. Flanagan Ltd. | (250) 721-1122 2250 Oak Bay Ave |
Estevan Liquor Plus | https://liquorplus.ca/ (778) 265-5921 |
Estevan Pharmacy |
(250) 598-2517 |
Fairway Market | http://www.fairwaymarkets.com/ (250) 592-8191 |
Features Spa Services | https://featuresspaservices.com/ (250) 888-3172 |
Finn & Izzy | https://www.finnandizzy.com/ (250) 598-8168 |
Five Fields Land Company | ||
Fort Royal Pharmacy | https://www.fortroyalpharmacy.ca/ (250) 590-9217 |
Frescafe | http://fresscafe.com/ (250) 590-9939 |
Gartside Marine Engine Ltd. | https://gartsidemarine.com/ (250) 598-3378 |
Gonzales Bay Financial Services | https://www.gonzalesbay.ca/ (250) 598-3863 |
GuideStar Medical Devices | https://www.guidestarmd.com/ (250) 940-0015 |
Heart of the Village Massage Therapy | http://www.heartofthevillagemassagetherapy.com/ (250) 508-5749 |
Heart of the Village Yoga | https://heartofthevillageyoga.com/ (250) 858-8874 |
Hide & Seek Coffee | http://www.hideandseekcoffee.ca/ (778) 265-0642 |
Hillel Architecture Inc. | (250) 592-9198 | |
HMR Employee Benefits Ltd | http://hmrinsurance.ca/index.html (250) 592-4614 |
Horne Coupar | https://www.hornecoupar.com/ (250) 388-6631 |
Hothouse Pizza | https://www.hothousepizza.com/ (250) 598-7575 |
Ian Stone Golf Shop | https://www.uplandsgolfclub.com/Play/Pro_Shop (250) 592-7313 |
Individual Dry Cleaners | (250) 598-2950 | |
Ivy's Bookshop | https://ivysbookshop.com/ (250) 598-2713 |
Jane Hair | (250) 588-7562 2250 Oak Bay Ave |
Janice's Hairstyling | ||
Jennings Florists | https://www.jenningsflorists.com/ (250) 477-9538 |
Just You Boutique | https://justyouboutique.com/ (250) 384-1791 |
By appointment only. |
Kande Global Hair Couturiere | http://www.kandeglobalhair.com/ (250) 590-7317 |
Faro | https://www.oakbaybeachhotel.com/dining/faro-pizza/ (250) 480-9249 |
Kinfolk Counselling | ||
Kissako Green Tea Cafe | (250) 370-5195 2027 Oak Bay Ave |
Leonard's Drycleaning |
(250) 595-3034 |
Liminal Spaces | ||
Maresa Boutique | (250) 592-1412 2227 Oak Bay Ave |
Open Tues - Sat, 10:00 - 5:00 |
Maria Dubiel Massage | http://www.wholisticchiro.ca/ (250) 298-9788 |
Maritime Travel | https://www.maritimetravel.ca/ (250) 598-5252 |
Open Mon - Thurs 9:00 - 4:00 by appointment only |
Marlin Travel | https://www.marlintravel.ca/travel-agencies/12/marlin-travel-45731 (250) 370-1222 |
McElvaine Investment Management | https://www.mcelvaine.com/ (250) 708-8345 |
Monterey Barber Shop | http://www.montereybarbershop.com/ (250) 595-0201 |
By appointment via phone or at the door |
Mr. Hotpot | (778) 265-8882 2510 Estevan Ave |
Mucky Mutt | http://muckymutt.com/ (250) 590-0833 |
National Bank Financial/Wrigley Financial Group | https://advisors.nbfwm.ca/en/teams/wrigley-financial-group/ | |
Nexgen Hearing | https://www.nexgenhearing.com/victoria-oak-bay/ (250) 598-9884 |
Nicholas Randall | https://www.nicholasrandall.com/ (250) 592-1789 |
Open Tues - Sat, 10:00 - 5:00 |
Nick's Hair Salon | (250) 595-2621 2017 Cadboro Bay Road |
Nohra Thai Kitchen | https://nohrathai.com/ (250) 595-7868 |
Oak Bay Dental Lab | (250) 598-2312 2108 Oak Bay Ave |
Oak Bay Flower Shop | https://oakbayflowershop.com/ (250) 595-2421 |
Open Mon - Sat 10:00 - 5:00, 12:00 - 4:00 on Sundays. |
Oak Bay Gold, Silver & Coins | https://oakbaygold.ca/ (250) 592-3808 |
Oak Bay Hair Studio | https://www.oakbayhairstudio.ca/ (250) 598-1114 |
Oak Bay Marina | https://oakbaymarina.com/ (250) 598-3369 Restaurant: (250) 598-8555 http://marinarestaurant.com/ |
Gift shop open. Restaurant open for sushi takeout - Wed to Sun, 2:00 - 7:00 |
Oak Bay Pharmasave | https://oakbaypharmasave.com/ (250) 598-3380 |
See website for hours |
Oak Bay Tours | https://www.oakbaytours.com/ (250) 896-3783 |
Oaks Restaurant | https://www.oaksrestaurant.ca/ (250) 590-3155 |
Oasis Nail & Spa | https://www.theoasisnails.com/ (250) 590-4089 |
Open Mon - Sat, 9:00 - 7:00, 10:00 - 7:00 Sundays |
O'Keeffe's Automotive Service | https://www.okeeffesauto.ca/ (250) 595-5552 |
Ottavio Italian Bakery & Delicatessen | https://ottaviovictoria.com/ (250) 592-4080 |
Open Tues - Thurs 9:00 - 3:00, 9:00 - 5:00 Fri - Sat. Coffee window for all orders. Parking lot pick-up and deliveries. |
Penny Farthing Pub | https://www.pennyfarthingpub.com/ (250) 370-9008 |
Eat in and take out available, groups of up to 6. Open Mon - Sat 11:00 - 12:00 a.m., 11:00 - 11:00 on Sun. |
Pilates Etc. | http://pilates-etc.net/ (250) 370-9232 |
Open Mon - Fri 8:00 - 3:00 |
Prestige Picture Framing | https://www.prestigepictureframing.ca/ (250) 592-7115 |
Pure Vanilla Bakery and Cafe | (250) 592-2896 2590 Cadboro Bay Road |
Takeaway only. Open weekdays 8:30 - 4:00, 8:30 - 3:00 on weekends. |
Rogers Chocolates | https://www.rogerschocolates.com/ (250) 598-2911 |
Maximum 3 customers in store at a time. |
Royal Bank | http://www.rbcroyalbank.com/ (250) 356-3455 |
Open Mon - Fri, 10:00 - 4:00. Controlled entry. In person and virtual appointments available. |
Royal Victoria Yacht Club |
(250) 592-2441 |
Members only. Take away window open Fri - Sun. Limited seating in Chart Room and Patio (no table service). |
Ruth + Dean | https://ruthanddean.com/ (250) 590-2780 |
Open Tues - Fri, 8:00 - 4:00, 8:00 - 3:00 Sat and Sun. Limited dine in and patio. Pre-orders welcome for takeaway. |
RWDI | https://www.rwdi.com/ (250) 370-9302 |
Office closed - contact via email. |
Salon Modello | https://www.salonmodello.ca/ (250) 598-4247 |
Appointment only. Tues - Fri 9:00 - 4:00, 9:00 - 5:00 on Sat. |
Seafirst Insurance Brokers | https://www.seafirstinsurance.com/ (250) 592-5544 |
24/7 email, fax and phone. |
Serenity Esthetics | https://www.serenityvictoria.com/ (250) 595-0017 |
Bt appointment, only one client at a time. |
Shabby Rabbit Clothing | https://www.shabbyrabbitclothing.com/ (250) 584-6805 |
Tues - Sat, 11:00 - 2:00. Two customers in store at a time. |
Shear Image | http://shearimagehairandbody.com/ (250) 370-1101 |
Mon - Sun, 9:00 - 7:00. Limited number of clients at a time. |
Side Street Studio Gallery | https://www.sidestreetstudio.com/ (250) 592-1262 |
Tues - Sat, 11:00 - 4:00. Online ordering & delivery available. |
Simply Computing | https://www.simply.ca/ (250) 412-6899 |
Mon - Fri, 9:30 - 6:00, 10:00 - 3:00 on Sat. Limited to 3 customers in store at a time. |
Sirens Hair | (250) 590-2442 2120 Oak Bay Ave |
Tues - Sat, 10:00 - 6:00. Limited number of clients at a time. |
Slaters First Class Meats | https://slatersmeats.com/ (250) 592-0823 |
Tues - Sat, 9:00 - 5:00. 3 customers in store at a time. |
Sorensen's Tailors | https://www.sorensenstailors.com/ (250) 595-2115 |
Mon - Fri 10:00 - 5:00, 10:00 - 4:00 on Sat. One client at a time, do take drop-ins. |
Sotheby's International Realty | https://sothebysrealty.ca/en/ (250) 592-1042 |
Mon - Fri, 9:00 - 3:00. Taking appointments. |
Starbucks |
(250) 598-8666 |
Mon - Sun, 7:00 - 7:00. Grab and go only, no dine-in. |
Taste Coffee Shop | (778) 440-0500 2000 Cadboro Bay Road |
TD Canada Trust | https://www.td.com/ca/en/personal-banking/ (250) 953-6044 |
The Avenue Gallery | https://theavenuegallery.com/ (250) 598-2184 |
The Cobbler | (250) 595-3262 2045 Oak Bay Ave |
The Budding Elm: Counselling and Consultation Services | https://www.thebuddingelm.com/ (250) 508-6949 |
The Dining Room (Oak Bay Beach Hotel) | https://www.oakbaybeachhotel.com/dining/the-dining-room/ (250) 598-4556 |
The Snug (Oak Bay Beach Hotel) | https://www.oakbaybeachhotel.com/dining/snug-pub/ (250) 598-4556 |
The Whole Beast | http://www.thewholebeast.ca/home (250) 590-7675 |
Thorn & Thistle Flower | https://www.thornandthistle.ca/ (250) 384-3385 |
Timeless Toys | https://www.timelesstoys.ca/ (250) 598-8697 |
Tomley's Market | (250) 592-3213 2897 Foul Bay Road |
Turkophil Fine Foods and Deli | (250) 592-7225 2045 Eastdowne Road |
Twice as Nice Clothing | http://twiceasniceoakbay.com/ (250) 598-2049 |
Vela Health | http://www.velahealthvictoria.com/ (250) 590-8352 |
Village Butcher | https://villagebutcher.ca/ (250) 598-1115 |
Village Winery | https://villagewinery.com/ (250) 595-7774 |
Villages Pizza | https://villagespizza.com/ (250) 58-3623 |
Walk in Comfort Shoes | https://walkincomfort.ca/ (250) 598-9255 |
W&J Wilson | https://www.wjwilson.com/ (250) 592-2821 |
Western Coast Insurance | https://westerncoastinsurance.ca/ +1 (844) 802-7618 |
Wholistic Chiropractor and Wellness | http://www.wholisticchiro.ca/ (250) 598-9788 |
Willows Galley | https://willowsgalley.com/ (250) 598-2711 |
Willows Pizza | https://www.willowspizza.ca/ (250) 595-9991 |