UN Disaster Resilient Communities Project 2011

United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction (UN/ISDR)
2010-2011 World Disaster Reduction Campaign “Making Cities Resilient”
2011 Community Engagement for Capstone Project
Oak Bay is again privileged to be working with students from the Master in Disaster and Emergency Management (MA DEM) from Royal Roads University (RRU), for their 2011 Community Capstone Engagement Project.
This year the Capstone Project for the students’ 3-week residency focuses on working with 3 local South Vancouver Island communities on the UN World Disaster Risk Reduction Campaign “Making Cities Resilient: ‘My city is getting ready.” Oak Bay is one of the 3 communities partnering in this project.
Between April 18th – May 20th, 2011, a team of 10 students have spent hundreds of hours working for and within our community. Their time was spent meeting with Council, municipal staff, leaders from community-based organizations and staff and volunteers from the emergency management program as well emergency response & recovery plans, documents, and websites. Half of the team, explored and assessed Oak Bay’s progress in relation to the 10 Point Checklist – Essentials for Making the City Resilient. The other members of the team worked to identify activities, plans and mitigative strategies that would assist Oak Bay to improve any gaps identified, ranking activities in terms of costs and resources along with the time it might take to implement. All of these activities enabled the MA DEM Oak Bay team to make an assessment of Oak Bay’s ability to apply to become a UN designated Disaster Resilient “Role Model” City.