
Oak Bay Archives Reference Library
Oak Bay Archives maintains a reference library of local history publications; the books are used extensively by the Archivist and volunteers for researching and responding to enquiries, and are normally available in the Archives search room for use by researchers in person.
Online Catalogue: click here to browse at LibraryThing. Ways to search the collection:
- Click column headers (Author, Title etc) to order the collection by that heading
- Click individual tags or subject headings to browse by theme
- Enter keywords to search the whole collection - use `Search this library` box near top right, not `Search this site`
Donating books: We welcome offers of local history books to add to our library. In 2018, we were delighted to receive a gift from the Estate of Jim Munro of more than 200 books from his personal collection on local and BC history. Please contact the Archivist to discuss prospective donations. We try not to duplicate our own holdings or those of the GVPL, and may be able to refer donors of works already held at OBA to other libraries needing copies.
Oak Bay History Publications
The following books were produced by the District of Oak Bay and can be purchased or downloaded as indicated below.
Oak Bay, British Columbia: in Photographs 1906-2006
- Produced by the Oak Bay Archives for the Oak Bay Centennial Committee in honour of Oak Bay's 100th birthday
- This beautifully illustrated book contains historical and current photographs of Oak Bay accompanied by a brief history of Oak Bay's first 100 years
- Available for reference at Oak Bay Archives or for purchase ($25.00) at the Municipal Hall, Ivy's Book Shop, Munro's Books and Bolen Books
Only in Oak Bay: Oak Bay Municipality, 1906-1981
- 75th Anniversary commemorative book, edited by Fred C. Barnes
- Published by The Corporation of the District of Oak Bay, 1981
The History of the Municipality of Oak Bay
- Unpublished manuscript by former Reeve George Murdoch, compiled from Council minutes from 1906 until 1968
- Chapters are arranged chronologically with an account of municipal matters per year, plus themed sections on Religion, Education, Public Protection and Recreation
- Note: the information is provided in original unpublished form, as written in the 1960s
- view index
- Download a PDF of the book
1906 - Golden Jubilee - 1956: Fifty years of Growth
- Souvenir Booklet, Published by The Anniversary Committee of the Council, Councillors George Murdoch, JV Johnson, CHC Mann, 1956
- Download a PDF of Oak Bay Fifty Years of Growth, 1956 (pdf, 4MB)
Contact Us
The Archives are open to visitors & researchers in person by appointment in advance during staffed hours, normally on Tuesdays and Fridays 9:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Drop-in hours: Tuesdays 10-1. Enquiries are also welcome by email, phone and post. For all archives enquiries and appointment requests:
Tel: 250-598-3290 (please include an email address in your message if possible)
Oak Bay Archives
2167 Oak Bay Avenue
Victoria, British Columbia V8R 1G2