2023 Draft Annual Report

As required by the Community Charter, notice is hereby given that the Corporation of the District of Oak Bay 2023 Annual Report will be considered at the Council meeting to be held on Monday, June 24, 2023, at 7:00 PM. in the Council Chambers, 2167 Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC.
This meeting will be webcast live and can be viewed at oakbay.civicweb.net.
Submissions and questions from the public in relation to the Annual Report will be considered at this meeting.
The draft Annual Report is available for inspection on the municipal website at www.oakbay.ca/municipal-hall/plans-and-reports/annual-reports or at the Municipal Hall at the address noted above, between the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
Share your feedback: Members of the public are encouraged to submit comments by 2:00 PM on the day of the meeting (Monday, June 24, 2024) by:
- Email: administration@oakbay.ca
- Mail: Oak Bay Council, 2167 Oak Bay Ave, Victoria, BC, V8R 1G2
- Drop Box: Main door, Oak Bay Municipal Hall, 2167 Oak Bay Ave
All correspondence submitted will form part of the public record and may be published in a meeting agenda accompanying the bylaw for consideration.
Attend the meeting: To attend in person to view the meeting, we are located at 2167 Oak Bay Avenue.
Watch the meeting: Members of the public may view the meeting from home via the live webcast from the District’s website at https://oakbay.civicweb.net/portal/ or by participating in the meeting on Zoom or on your phone. Please email administration@oakbay.ca for instructions to join via Zoom or phone.