The District of Oak Bay Co-Hosts the Kickstand Sessions

As part of the municipality’s goal to be a leader in active transportation, the District of Oak Bay is pleased to co-host the Kickstand Sessions with the Capital Regional District (CRD). On March 14th and 15th, a team of consultants from the Netherlands, Denmark and North America will review best practices with participants from diverse backgrounds around the region. This two-day workshop promises to provide an exciting forum for transportation practitioners and advocates from around the region to take bicycle planning and policy to a new level.
The CRD Pedestrian and Cycling Project is co-sponsoring these sessions as part of its mandate to support professional development, collaboration and coordination amongst municipal transportation practitioners. Mobycon, a Dutch based research and consulting company with 25 years experience in traffic, transport and urban and rural planning, has teamed up with Copenhagenize, the Danish consultancy specialising in bicycle planning, marketing and communications to launch the Kickstand Sessions.
As recently highlighted in the Oak Bay News, the District of Oak Bay is keen to participate and has provided examples of active transportation challenges in the municipality for the Kickstand participants to apply the lessons they will learn at the session. Representatives from both the Oak Bay Engineering Department and the Active Transportation Advisory Committee will be in attendance.
"Oak Bay wants to be a leader in active transportation. This session will provide an invaluable opportunity for our staff, citizen advocates and indeed Council, to establish a way forward in our collective vision for making Oak Bay the most walkable, bike friendly municipality in the region." -- Oak Bay Mayor Nils Jensen.
“The timing for this couldn’t be better! As a small municipality, we are looking for smart, cost effective ways achieve our vision. I’m excited to see what the participants and instructors come up with for our community." -- Councillor Michelle Kirby.