Oliver Street Water Main Project

The District of Oak Bay is replacing 430 metres of water main on Oliver Street between Central Avenue and McNeill Avenue. Phase 2 (see image below) is scheduled to continue in 2024, however, a start date has not been established and residents will be notified once a schedule has been established.
- While Public Works are on site for work, residents can expect an increase in noise, dust, and the movement of construction equipment. Public Works will be closing the road to non-local traffic only. To enable the work to proceed as efficiently as possible, we ask that you refrain from parking along this section of roadway when work is underway, and we ask that you park your vehicle(s) on your driveway.
Over the course of the project the District will be available to assist you with any specific needs. Please do not hesitate to call the District if you have any special requirements.
This work is part of our on-going infrastructure improvement plan that will improve the integrity of the water supply system for domestic use and for fire-fighting purposes.
We shall endeavour to keep any inconvenience to a minimum. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding, and should you have any questions, please contact the District of Oak Bay’s engineering department at (250) 598-3311 or by email at engineering@oakbay.ca.