
The Oak Bay Police Department has served the residents of Oak Bay since 1906, and has contributed to Oak Bay's reputation as one of Canada’s safest communities. The department has approximately 30 staff, including officers and administrative personnel.
Oak Bay Police Website
Mission Statement
The members of the Oak Bay Police Department are committed to partnerships with the community, leading to the sharing in the delivery of police services. The Department pledges to treat all people equally and with respect, to uphold the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, to serve, protect and work with the community and other agencies to prevent and resolve problems that affect community safety and quality of life.
Value Statement
The Oak Bay Police Department is a community based policing organization. The Department recognizes that investigation, detection and the apprehension of offenders is only part of the police function. The Oak Bay Police mandate is not limited or restricted to simply dealing with crime. Instead, the Department responsibilities are much broader in scope and include responding to social disorder and calls of a general assistance nature. Complaints and concerns involving bylaw enforcement, traffic safety, youth concerns, neighbourhood disputes, public education, substance abuse and issues regarding mental health are all part of the Department workload.
The Oak Bay Police Department advocates community partnerships with a multi-agency approach and collaboration as a means of achieving public safety and problem solving. It is through community policing and particularly problem oriented policing that the Oak Bay Police Department fulfills its role.
Oak Bay Police Department
1703 Monterey Avenue
Victoria BC, V8R 5V6
Phone: 250-592-2424
Fax: 250-592-9988
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 am. to 4:30 pm.
Email: info@oakbaypolice.org
Phone: 250-592-2424
The Police Department is constituted pursuant to the provincial acts and regulations such as the British Columbia Police Act, and operates under the direction of the Oak Bay Police Board. Oak Bay Police staff primarily provide community policing, with external investigative services provided through memorandums of understanding with other police departments.
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